Saturday, May 11, 2013


I'm home again and it feels quite good actually. The first three days in Berlin were awesome. The weather was really good and we saw many cool buildings and things. We also spent a lot of time at different cafés and restaurants and we had a really good time.

Thursday wasn't fun at all because all the shops were closed because it was fathers day. We just sat and waited all day and I had a really sore throat... We came to Stockholm late that evening and then we spent the night in armchairs at the airport. We took the train home yesterday and that wasn't very fun either...

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Tomorrow I'm going to Berlin with the girls from german-class. I think we're going to have a great time there and we are going to see many exiting things. We're going to take the train to Stockholm tomorrow morning and in the evening we fly from there to Berlin. We will be back home on Friday. I have high expectations on the weather so I hope it doesn't disappoint me...

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Today is my 19th birthday and it has been awesome. I've had some guests, eaten a lot of yummy cake and cookies and I also got some amazing presents^^

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Today I ordered a ticket for the Swedish festival Hultsfredsfestivalen. It's in Stockholm 13-15 June and I'm going to be there with Josefin. We're going to see bands like Arctic Monkeys, Band Of Horses, Bastille and Imagine Dragons. I's going to be amazing! I've never been at a big festival before and I'm looking forward to it so much. It's just a few days after I have graduated so it will be a good way to start my after school life.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This has been a good day and the weather has been absolutely amazing, it almost felt like summer. I didn't have english so Josefin and I went to our favorite café in town and took a latte instead. We talked about jobs and things like that and then we had to go back to school for a german lesson.

After school I went to the gym, and since I came home I have eaten dinner, done some school work and seen an episode of Homeland. I don't really know what to think about that series, but it's quite exciting so I guess I'll continue watching it.

Right now I'm listening to music and waiting for Champions League to start. Except for that I'm just going to choose clothes for tomorrow and eat a little before I go to bed.

Monday, April 8, 2013


I read on Twitter today that Margaret Thatcher has died. If I said I'm not happy about it I would be lying. I'm not from England so I can't have as strong feelings about her as people who were affected by her personally, but when I read things about her, what she has done and how she was, I can't feel anything but hatred.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


This is the last day of my last school holiday... that's quite sad. Anyway I'm back in my apartment and right now I'm just listening to music. I have to go to the grocery store and buy some food and then I'll have to do some school work and prepare a few things for tomorrow.

Here are some more pictures from this weekend...

Friday, April 5, 2013

cozy weekend

I'm spending this weekend with my mum, dad and the dogs in our cottage. Today we have been cross country skiing and I have seen the movie Blood Diamond. It has been a nice and cozy day here. The Internet isn't the best so I don't know if I'm going to be able to write again before sunday evening, we'll see.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


A couple of weeks ago I ordered a dress and a skirt from missguided. I got an email that they had sent the items and today I got an email that their returns/exchange department had recieved my returned items. I never got them and I definitely didn't return them, I have just been waiting to get them...

I guess I'll have to send them an email and hope that everything will work out. I really want that dress and I'm planning on wearing it on one of the graduation proms...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

camera problems

I'm trying to find the perfect compact camera, but it's impossible because right now I'm using a Nikon D3000 SLR and I love it. I want a good camera that I can have in my purse and it can't be to expensive. I would love to have one with macro because that's probably what I like the most with the SLR, but those cameras are expensive...


Monday, April 1, 2013




Today I went to the stable and I had a lovely ride in the woods. I don't own a horse any more, but I ride two days a week. The weather was amazing like it has been the last couple of days. I can't believe it's already April, but I love it! I'm not a winter person and I hate to freeze, but unfortunately I don't think this weather will last very long, I mean, it's Sweden...

Sunday, March 31, 2013

I Think I'm Back

I haven't written anything on this blog for a long time but I feel like I want to make another try. I have a blog in swedish where I write everyday and that's what my friends read. I didn't think anyone read my posts on this blog but when I looked at the stats I saw that it has at least a few views every day even though I haven't written anything since November, so I'm going to try.

Right now I'm having easter holiday and it's my last holiday ever because I'm graduating in June. It feels a bit sad but it's nice to have it because I'm so tired of school. My head is full of thoughts about what to do after graduation and the truth is I have no idea... It feels so impossible to make the kinds of decisions I have to make but I guess I'll just have to. Right now it feels like I might want to take a stable job in England, but I'm definitely not sure about that. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm going to wait at least a year before I apply for university.
