Sunday, March 31, 2013

I Think I'm Back

I haven't written anything on this blog for a long time but I feel like I want to make another try. I have a blog in swedish where I write everyday and that's what my friends read. I didn't think anyone read my posts on this blog but when I looked at the stats I saw that it has at least a few views every day even though I haven't written anything since November, so I'm going to try.

Right now I'm having easter holiday and it's my last holiday ever because I'm graduating in June. It feels a bit sad but it's nice to have it because I'm so tired of school. My head is full of thoughts about what to do after graduation and the truth is I have no idea... It feels so impossible to make the kinds of decisions I have to make but I guess I'll just have to. Right now it feels like I might want to take a stable job in England, but I'm definitely not sure about that. The only thing I know for sure is that I'm going to wait at least a year before I apply for university.
