Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Alive

Hi! I appologize about not writing for so many weeks. I haven't had time or energy to do it, but I'm going to try to start again. Since this blog is in english I won't write every day, because I want to feel that I have time to write it as I want it and not just scribble something down.

This blog is about football, so that makes it almost necessary for me to write something about the euros. I watched almost every match and there were lots of positives, but over all I'm quite disappointed with the tournament. It felt like it was over before it had even started and the atmosphere never got anywhere near the way it was during the World Cup in 2010. The teams I wanted to do well failed to do so, and because of that I felt disappointed most of the time. I'm glad that Spain won the final but I wish it had been a bit more even.

I'm looking forward to the Olympics and I hope that GB and Uruguay will do well. I don't think I will watch much of the competitions apart  from the football, but I hope the atmosphere will be great and that everything will go well.

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