Sunday, April 1, 2012


I'm so tired of this feeling. I'm so tired of Liverpool losing.

I can't find many positive things about the game against Newcastle today even if I try really hard. We lost, we didn't play very good, we looked both frustrated and irritated, Carroll's behavior was really embarrassing, Reina got a red card and can't play in the FA-cup semifinal and so on. I don't want to question Kenny Dalglish because I love him and I respect him so much, but I don't want Liverpool to lose either. When we play like this it's so hard to find the energy to do things you don't want to do, like school work. Liverpool Football Club means so much to me and because of that it makes me half depressed when we play like this. We have lost most of the games we have played since the start of this year and now we even have Everton above us in the league which is really painful. We don't have any chance at all to reach a Champions League spot now, so all I want is that Chelsea doesn't get to Champions, United doesn't win the league, we finish above Everton in the league and we win the FA-cup. Usually things don't go the way I want them to, so I'm not very hopeful...

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