Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Don't Know What To Write

I really want to write an article about something (that has to do with football) but I don't know what. I feel like I have the opportunity now to get my texts published and I get a bit stressed because I write to little (acording to me). I want to improve my writing and get experience and now I have many platforms to do so, the problem is that I can't figure out what to write about. I don't feel ready do write a match report, because I don't think that I could do it good enough (I always compare myself to British people and their writing even though I know I shouldn't). I can do it here on the blog of course, it's my own, but I want to write something that is good enough to publish.
Another problem is that I know how I want to write things, but I'm struggling when it comes to getting it down on a paper. I guess that is a common problem, but I love writing so I want to find a way to express my thoughts like they are in my head. Every word I write makes me a bit more experienced but it's not often I feel that I can just sit down, take it easy and write for a few hours, and to write a good text I need to feel inspired and focused. I love moments like this when I can stay up all night if I want to, and mostly when I get inspiration and "kicks" it is on Friday nights. I don't get that inspired very often, so when I do, I don't want to waste it.

The picture is taken and edited by me.

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