Sunday, February 5, 2012

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

I think I have found just the right music style for me. Usually I just like one or a few songs by an artist and for that reason I have never really been a fan of a band or an artist, but now I have found a band that I can listen to hour after hour and there isn't a single song I don't like. Of course I have favourite songs, but I think all of their songs are good ones and that hasn't happened to me before. Anyway the band is Arctic Monkeys, and I fuckin' love them. My favourite songs are: Fluorescent Adolescent, Suck It And See, Black Treacle and Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But...

 I love their texts, but I can't understand how they do it, there are so many weird lines that a normal person would never ever think of, and that is what makes the songs so brilliant. I love the way they use the instruments too and there are big differences between all the songs, but still a red line through them all.

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