Thursday, November 22, 2012

You can be a champion

Yeah, You could be the greatest
You can be the best
You can be the king kong banging on your chest

You could beat the world
You could beat the war
You could talk to God, go banging on his door

You can throw your hands up
You can be the clock
You can move a mountain
You can break rocks
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You could go the distance
You could run the mile
You could walk straight through hell with a smile

You could be the hero
You could get the gold
Breaking all the records that thought never could be broke

Do it for your people
Do it for your pride
Never gonna know if you never even try

Do it for your country
Do it for you name
Cause there's gonna be a day

When your, standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be a champion, Be a champion, Be a champion, Be a champion

On the walls of the hall of fame

Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers

Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be champions
Be true seekers

Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers

Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be champions

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sefton Park

Me and my friend Josefin took a walk in the beautiful Sefton Park today. I love the leaves and all the colors. On saturday we're going home to Sweden and I'm really going to miss Liverpool. The two weeks we have been here have passed by way to quickly.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Liverpool - Newcastle

I'm going to see Liverpool - Newcastle live at Anfield today. I'm really excited and I hope that we'll play well. I saw the game against Swansea live too and we played really awful. The game today is important for both teams and I'm sure the players will give their all to win.  Come on Redmen!!

A foto from the Swansea game.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Liverpool - Reading

The game yesterday was really frustrating, not just because of the way we played the last 20 minutes or something like that. I have a subscription for the television company Viasat to be able to watch the Premier League, but now they aren't allowed to show any of the PL games on saturdays at 4 pm (swedish time). Because of that I'm supposed to have free access to the games on their online service - Viaplay - but it didn't work, so I had to stream the game. The stream was shit and my irritation grew every minute and it got even worse because of the way we played. Now I'm just happy that we finally got a win at Anfield, and the three points are really important. Everybody said that "It's not an easy game", but it was probably one of the easiest games this season. I'm happy for Raheem, he deserved the goal.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

2 Weeks

In two weeks I'm going to get on a plane to England. I can't wait! My friend Josefin and I are doing a project work about LFC, so we'll spend two weeks in Liverpool to work with it. One of the things we are going to do is to interview one of the academy players. I won't tell who it is until after we have done it. It'll be two wonderful weeks and hopefully we will finish the work quite quickly so that we can relax and just have fun.

I'm a bit nervous about the traveling because it's the first time we travel alone and we are going to fly from Östersund to Stockholm to Amsterdam to Manchester and then take a bus or the train to Liverpool. I guess we'll manage to do it, but I'm still a bit nervous (and of course excited too).

A picture from last time we were there (in May)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Being Liverpool

I really enjoy watching Being Liverpool. It feels like you get closer to the team and the club, because you get to see more things than what is normal. It's well made and very american. I don't know what I think about that because usually I prefer british tv, but it's good.

I have only watched the first two episodes because we are a bit after in Sweden. I'm glad anyway because I can watch it at a swedish tv channel at 10 pm every friday with swedish translation. That's above my expectations. I have some lovely friday evenings to look forward to^^

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Decisions - Small Ones But Still

I don't really know what to do with this blog. I want to keep it, but then I'll have to write something every now and then. I don't know if I want to write about my every day life here, about football or mix as I feel like. The reason why I never write is because it feels like every time I'm going to write something here it has to be perfect, and I don't have time or energy for that all the time.

I think I'll go for the mix and try to write as often as possible. It's good for my english to have this blog and hopefully I will find more inspiration and will to write soon.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Transfer Window

I know that many Liverpool fans feel disappointed with our signings this summer. I agree that we need a good clinical striker who can make use of all the chances we create. But when I see what a lot of people write on twitter, really bad things about Rodgers, Ayre and the owners, it pisses me off.

I'm quite happy with our signings, especially Allen and Sahin. It already feels like Allen is one of our key players and he didn't need any time to settle in. He gives a lot of balance to the team and he is used to play the way Rodgers wants us to play, unlike most of the other players.

One thing that I'm not pleased about is the whole Carroll situation. Since we didn't buy any striker yesterday I think we could need him. He is in form now and I think he would have done well if he had got the chance. I wish him good luck at West Ham. When I look at our team now I also wonder why we sold Kuyt and Bellamy. We didn't get a lot of money at all for them and I think it would have been better to keep them.

I don't have any opinion about Borini or Assaidi. I hope they will do well and that they will score a lot of goals.

I'm glad we sold Adam, he tried but in the end it was obvious that he isn't good enough for the level the club wants to play at. I wish him good luck at Stoke.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Alive

Hi! I appologize about not writing for so many weeks. I haven't had time or energy to do it, but I'm going to try to start again. Since this blog is in english I won't write every day, because I want to feel that I have time to write it as I want it and not just scribble something down.

This blog is about football, so that makes it almost necessary for me to write something about the euros. I watched almost every match and there were lots of positives, but over all I'm quite disappointed with the tournament. It felt like it was over before it had even started and the atmosphere never got anywhere near the way it was during the World Cup in 2010. The teams I wanted to do well failed to do so, and because of that I felt disappointed most of the time. I'm glad that Spain won the final but I wish it had been a bit more even.

I'm looking forward to the Olympics and I hope that GB and Uruguay will do well. I don't think I will watch much of the competitions apart  from the football, but I hope the atmosphere will be great and that everything will go well.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

King Kenny

I will miss King Kenny so much. I wanted him to stay, but unfortunately it's not up to me to decide. You'll never walk alone King Kenny. Once a King, always a King <3

Saturday, May 12, 2012


The week in Liverpool was amazing. It was a lot of shopping, eating and of course, football. I saw the FA-cup final at a pub together with more than a hundred other Liverpool fans. The atmosphere in there was something special and when Carroll scored the second goal (the one that was disallowed) the beer flew high before we got it all over us.

Obviously the result wasn’t what we wanted. But we didn’t deserve more than second place because we only played well for the last thirty minutes. It was still really frustrating because we were so close, just a few inches. If the game had gone to extra time I think we had won because we played so well at the end of the game.

Andy Carroll played really well when he came in, and I can’t help but think that we would have won the game if he had played from the beginning. The only thing I wanted to change in the starting eleven was to play with Suarez and Carroll together at the top because it’s not enough with one striker.

I didn’t see the FA-cup final live, but I saw the league game against Chelsea at Anfield. That game gave me all I could ask for and we played really well. The atmosphere was amazing and I sat quite near the Kop, so I didn’t hear the few Chelsea fans at the other side of the stadium. It felt so god to sing the “fuck off Chelsea FC, you ain’t got no history” song.

When halftime came we had a 3-0 lead and it felt like the victory was ours. But in the beginning of the second half Chelsea got a goal and we didn’t play well. After 10-15 minutes we were back and when Shelvey scored the fourth goal I knew the win was ours, and so did everybody else in the stadium.

It was an amazing night. Not just because of the result but because of everything. The rivalry, the atmosphere, the weather, the late kick-off, the mistakes by John Terry and the great goals. I definitely think it was one of our best games this season, especially in the league. It gives a lot of hope for the next season and I can’t wait for it to come. But first, the European Cup and the Olympics.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blackburn 2-3 Liverpool

The game yesterday was crazy and it felt like anything could happen. King Kenny had chosen to let the key players rest for the FA-cup semifinal, so it felt like we wouldn’t even try to win. The starting line-up for Liverpool was Doni, Flanagan, Skrtel (c), Coates, Johnson, Henderson, Shelvey, Spearing, Maxi, Carroll and Bellamy Blackburn‘s line-up was Robinson, Orr, Dann, Hanley, Martin Olsson, Dunn, N’Zonzi, Hoilett, Formica, Marcus Olsson and Yakubu.

I think we started the game well and we played okay. I was wrong when I thought that we wouldn’t try to win because the lads looked really hungry for a victory. That’s something I have really missed for the last months. We scored two goals quite early in the first half, both goals by Maxi. I don’t understand why he doesn’t get more time on the pitch, he scores almost every time he plays. Halfway through the first half Flanagan made an idiotic back pass and the first one to get to the ball was Hoilett. Doni was all alone with the Blackburn player and he didn’t know what to do so he tripped him and got a red card. I felt sorry for him because he had waited so long to get the chance to play. Maybe he should have done nothing and just let Yakubu score, but I guess that’s not an easy decision to take as a goal keeper.

When Doni got the red card we had a 2-0 lead. Brad Jones came on for Flanagan and made his Premier League debut. The first thing he did on the pitch was to save a penalty from Yakubu, and when he had done that he pointed to the sky to dedicate the goal to his son Luca, who died in leukemia a few months ago. That was an emotional moment and I was really happy for Brad.

Before halftime Yakubu scored for Blackburn as he headed in a free kick. Liverpool defended badly and that was it. When the halftime came we had a 2-1 lead and that result remained to the 60th minute when Yakubu made it 2-2. It was a strange situation because Brad Jones kicked the ball straight on Yakubu and when the ball came back to him he failed to catch it, and in the middle of all that he pushed Yakubu and the referee blew the whistle. Brad Jones got a yellow card and Yakubu got a penalty. I have nothing to say about that, I’m just glad that Jones didn’t get a red card.

Just before the end of the game Carroll made it 2-3 as he headed the ball in the back of the net, finally. I think he had a good game and he looked quite sharp. It was a good team performance and we played most of the game with ten men. That isn’t easy so I’m proud that they did it so well, and glad that we finally got three points. Now it’s just to focus on the FA-cup semifinal and I hope that I will get to see the same fighting spirit and determination as the lads showed yesterday.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cottage Thinking

I’m sitting here in a cottage in the middle of nowhere. The place is called Valsjöbyn and it’s a little village in the forest somewhere between Sweden and Norway. My family and I own this cottage so we spend some days here once in a while and it’s a good place for relaxation which is very much needed in the middle of all the stress. We don’t do very much here, or at least I don’t. My parents go out with the dogs and do things like cross country skiing, but I just sit inside reading and watching the TV. That might sound boring, but I love reading and we have as many TV channels here as we have at home so I can watch as much football as I want to.

Today it’s Monday but I will have a lot of Premier League games to watch since this is a bank holiday. That prospect makes me excited and it also reminds me of the time when I didn’t like football. It feels strange now to think about it because it’s such a big part of my life now, but it was not even two years ago that I hated the sport. I have always been a horse girl and when I was six years old I started to take lessons at a riding school. Four years after that I got my first pony and now I’m seventeen years old and I have pony number five. I still love horses but I know that when I have sold the one I have now I won’t buy a new one.

I tried football too when I was little, but my parents have told me that I wanted to quit after just one training session and so I did. Since then I haven’t played more than a few times in school, so I’m really bad at it. I enjoy playing though, but since I don’t have any skills I just go all in with my tackles. I think I would fit best as a central defender and that’s where I like to play. Most people prefer to play as an attacker but I don’t because I know that doesn’t suit me.

It feels like most people who blog about football are guys who have played since they were five years old, and as a girl (especially a girl who likes horses) it’s not very easy to get respect from those guys. They don’t seem to accept that I have changed my mind about football and they definitely don’t accept that I know things about the sport. I have learnt a lot during the time I have watched football because I’m so into it, so I know quite a lot more than they think I do.

My sudden interest in football has changed my life a lot, and I have other dreams now. Before I started to like football I wanted to be a vet or something like that, and I didn’t have any plans at all about moving somewhere. Now I want to be a sports journalist and all I want is to get on a plane to England. All this has also given me a best friend who I share all my interests with, and together I think we can manage to do so many things that we wouldn’t have had the courage to do alone.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I'm so tired of this feeling. I'm so tired of Liverpool losing.

I can't find many positive things about the game against Newcastle today even if I try really hard. We lost, we didn't play very good, we looked both frustrated and irritated, Carroll's behavior was really embarrassing, Reina got a red card and can't play in the FA-cup semifinal and so on. I don't want to question Kenny Dalglish because I love him and I respect him so much, but I don't want Liverpool to lose either. When we play like this it's so hard to find the energy to do things you don't want to do, like school work. Liverpool Football Club means so much to me and because of that it makes me half depressed when we play like this. We have lost most of the games we have played since the start of this year and now we even have Everton above us in the league which is really painful. We don't have any chance at all to reach a Champions League spot now, so all I want is that Chelsea doesn't get to Champions, United doesn't win the league, we finish above Everton in the league and we win the FA-cup. Usually things don't go the way I want them to, so I'm not very hopeful...

Friday, March 23, 2012

England - I Miss You

I'm missing England so much. Sometimes it feels like I'm going to start crying because my abstinence gets that big. I have only been to England once, but I really felt like home. I love almost everything about that beautiful country. I love the people, the football, the nature, the buildings, the music and so on. I don't even have a problem with the weather (that might be because I live in Sweden, so I'm not spoiled with good weather).

I'm going to go to England in May to see the Liverpool-Chelsea game. I don't know when, it depends on if one of the teams go to the FA-Cup final, but it's not that far away even if that happens. I can't wait. Almost anything can remind me of England and when that happens I feel like I want to get out of my skin and just explode of excitement.

I have taken the pictures.